Any real estate investor who's spent anytime in the business knows that it's life blood is fresh property leads. Regardless of what types of techniques are used whether it's a lease option, wholesaling, or simply a straight acquisition, you always need more sellers, preferably as motivated as possible.
Since you are only as good as your last deal, you're constantly spending a great deal of time on marketing to find new sellers. This is normally a time consuming process, using methods such as direct marketing to lists, going through auction/tax sale listings, running online and offline ads. For the time it takes to actually find a few deals a lot of time has been spent and in may cases these deals may not even be worth it. You're hoping that the next few deals you do complete will carry you over to the next. That's why many investors take awhile to make the leap to full time and the ones that are, they're always looking for opportunities to simplify this most critical of business tasks.
There's now a system available to automate your lead generation by providing you with a team of bird dogs (independent property locators) to assist you with obtaining fresh property leads. This changes your whole way of doing business! You can now cherry pick the best deals instead of trying to beat a dead horse. In may cases, particularly in this current market, you may have more deals than you can handle!
The way it works is your property locators are paid a fee that you decide upon when and if you close. They are located in the areas where you are looking to acquire properties and you let them know what types of properties you're looking for. You can easily have several (meaning over 20 people) bringing you leads according to your specifications. Wouldn't that change the way you do business, practically overnight?
So where do you find all these bird dogs? That's what the TeamWork Leads System handles for you. Since they locate bird dogs throughout the country, they can match them up with investors who want properties in that area. The task of finding bird dogs (which I personally know is a challenge) and having them available to you within 24-48 hours after you sign up with the program is amazing! If you've been wanting to cut your marketing budget or free up some of your time, this is exactly what you've been looking for. Go check it out for yourself right now! If you're serious about getting property leads, you should definitely take a look at the demo and see for yourself what this system can do for your real estate investment business.
Wishing You Success!
Sondra Carpenter
Spruce Hill Properties, LLC
We Buy Houses For Cash, Quick Closing
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